Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Mind over Matter

Rose Ishee

We all have more control over our lives than the world tells us we do. We do not need to be victims or slaves of anyone or anything. By overcoming our thoughts and turning our minds over to what God has for us, we can be conquerors rather than the conquered. This study will be based on the Joyce Meyers book, Battlefields of the Mind.


The Message {Remixed}:

Finding God in the Playlists of Life

Tim & Jen Beck

Have you ever thought that there has to be another way to connect with God other than church on Sunday? Did you ever think that the ways in which you express yourself is one of many ways that you can get in sync with our Creator? How does God speak to you? I’m guessing in more ways than some might think… through music or a television show… or maybe a movie or a good book? Wait… are you even aware that God is seeking to find you in such things?

Here’s what I think: Your life is a soundtrack. The Message {Remixed} will help you discover that God has been walking with you, speaking to you all the while – but maybe you’ve been tuned in to the wrong frequency. We’ll find God together… We’ll seek to create a bond with Him as we open up a whole new realm to your life and help you further develop your relationship with Jesus.

How will we do that? Well, Genesis 1:26-28 says that we are all created in the image of God – therefore we are all creative beings. You may not think so – but you are! This class will give you the chance to participate in creative expression as we strive to connect with God:

1. Through music. Bring along your iPods, MP3 players & your fav. CD. You’ll have the opportunity to share how God ‘speaks to you’ through your songs and playlists.

2. Through writing. Write, draw or doodle. It’s all about expression and expression leads to worship.

3. By looking at the divine text (the Bible) and divine images

4. By viewing inspiring movie clips and YouTube videos.

5. Through self-discovery. It’ll happen… if you are open to it.

Come along for the journey. Find His message in the midst of your life.

Now playing.



Joe Burkhardt

Does God's word still speak truth to people?

In this discussion-oriented class, we will study the scriptures for answers to the life questions that you bring to class or the questions that you come up with during the week.

No topics are off-limits.

We will discuss whatever questions you bring.

Let's discuss together this journey of life and what God has to say to us.



Ann Fritz

How would you spread the gospel as efficiently as possible without modern-day electronics?

We will focus on the Gospel of Mark and the urgency of communicating the story of Jesus. Jesus' encounters with the disciples, His encounters with the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders, and especially His encounters with those whom others tended not to notice were specific object lessons for the disciples. Through his life, Jesus was preparing His followers for the time when He would no longer be with them—for the trials and the triumphs that they would experience. Christians today should be preparing for the kingdom and telling the gospel story to as many people as possible with the same urgency and passion as the early believers. We need to be aggressive in fighting the devil's schemes that keep people blinded to God's great story of love.


Drugs, Sex, and Rock-N-Roll

Seth Filburn

(for men only)

This will be a discussion-based class that is for guys only. We will deal with "guy" specific issues such as pornography, drugs, music, drinking, sex, etc. We will discuss what you and what society has to say about these issues. We will then look at what God has to say about them and try to figure out what we should do.


Christianity, Cults, False Teachings & World Religions

Jerry Ernst

We will compare the beliefs of world religions, false teachings and cults with Biblical Christianity. This study will include: Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, New Age, Wicca, Buddhism, Hinduism and more! Learn what each group believes about God, about Jesus, about salvation, and other basic points of Christianity. In a world that is “politically correct,” our culture teaches us to NOT judge and to accept all forms of spirituality without regard to whether they represent Truth or not! Discernment will be a key factor in following Jesus Christ in the years to come. Discernment means, “To identify the source behind the teaching or proposed course of action as: of the devil, of human origin or of God.” This class will help you get ready for the “real” world beyond your high school years and help you explore what Christianity really believes! We will also learn the difference between what makes a false teaching and what traits cults carry with them. Our world, more than ever, is open to “spirituality” and “spiritual things,” but many people do not know God through a relationship with Jesus Christ because of spiritual confusion! Come with your Bibles and an open heart, as we will discuss and dialogue about big issues in our world.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

cyf 2008 classes will be posted soon.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Each camper at the CYF07 Student Conference will take one class followed by small group time each day. Campers will choose their class at REGISTRATION on Sunday June 24th. Classes are FIRST COME / FIRST SERVED.

Below is a listing of the classes that will be offered this year:

Authentic Beauty

Rose Ishee

Calling all Princesses and Wanna-Be Princesses!!!

Are you looking for Prince Charming and all you can find in the Frog Prince? Are you confused about the world's definition of beauty? And what is this thing called "True Love"?

In this class, we will be learning what it means to be truly set apart for God. We will be exploring purity and modesty (and NO, modesty does not mean "geeky"), as well as what God's word says about true love, abortion and homosexuality (all possible byproducts of the world's view of what love all about?).

The goal of this class will be to find the beauty God has planned for every part of your life through God's word, as well as the study of the book Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy.



Tim Beck

A lot of us have done things in our lives that we're ashamed of. Some are small things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people close to us don't know about—personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don't have to deal with it. Because we don't know how to deal with it, do we? We're afraid that if we try, it's just going to make everything worse.

But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we've done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn't changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and he always will. And there's nothing we can do to change that!



Joe Burkhardt

Does God's word still speak truth to people?

In this discussion-oriented class, we will study the scriptures for answers to the life questions that you bring to class or the questions that you come up with during the week. No topics are off-limits. Whatever questions you bring will be the subjects of our study.

Let's journey together into God's living and active word.


Drugs, Sex, and Rock-N-Roll

Seth Filburn

(for men only)

This will be a discussion based class that is for guys only and deals with guy specific issues such as pornography, drugs, music, drinking, sex, etc. We will discuss what you/society has to say about these issues and then look at what God has to say about them. We will then try to figure out what we should do.


Experiencing Abundant Life:

The Garden of Eden Revisited

Ann Fritz

Once you give your life to Christ, you expect changes. If you haven't seen those changes, we will be exploring why and what you can do to live a fuller, more joy-filled life in Christ. We will learn how to talk to God and hear him speak to you. We will also look how the work of the Holy Spirit affects our lives. Our scriptures will be based on Galatians 5 and Romans 6-8.


Every Young Woman's Battle

Jen Beck

The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it’s easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal–to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to the opposite sex. But are you paying too high a price?

· learn how the sexual battle begins in your heart and mind
· understand your hunger for attention from guys
· recognize and avoid the potential pitfalls awaiting young women on the journey toward adulthood and possibly marriage
· find out how the media, novels, fashion, internet chat rooms, and body and beauty obsessions influence your sexual choices–and what you can do about it
· guard your mind, heart, and body against sexual and emotional compromise
· develop a deeper, more satisfying level of intimacy with God

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Thursday, May 04, 2006

2006 CYF Class List (as of May 2006)

The Word - Joe Burkhardt, facilitator
Does God's word still speak truth to people? In this discussion-oriented class, we will study the scriptures for answers to questions that you bring to class or questions that you come up with during the week. No topics are off-limits. Whatever questions you bring will be the subjects of our study. Let's journey together into God's living and active word.

Take to the world: An investigation into missions - taught by Bryan Kandel
In this class, we will investigate what it means to be a missionary. We
will discuss long-term, short-term, world missions, community missions and
our roles as daily missionaries of Jesus Christ. We will use the Bible to
discover God's desires regarding the missions of His people. The class will
be taught by Bryan Kandel. He and his wife are currently raising support to
serve as missionaries for two years at a Christian school in Costa Rica.

Authentic Beauty
- taught by Rose Ishee
Calling all Princesses or wanna-be Princesses. Are you looking for Prince Charming and all you can fine is the "Frog Prince". Are you confused about the worlds definition of beauty, and what is this thing called " True Love"
In this class we will be learning what it means to be truly set apart for God. We will be exploring, purity, modesty ( and no modesty does NOT mean geeky), as well as what Gods word says about true love, abortion and homosexuality, both possible by products of the worlds view of what love is all about
The goal of this class will be to find the beauty God has planned for every part of your life, through his word, and the study of the book "Authentic Beauty" by Leslie Ludy.

Hide and Seek
- taught by Tim & Jen Beck
A lot of us have done things in our lives that were ashamed of. Some are small things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people close to us dont know about. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we dont have to deal with it. Because we dont know how to deal with it, do we? We're afraid that if we try its just going to make everything worse. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we've done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn't changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and theres nothing we can do to change that.

Sports Ethics
- taught by Tony Wolfe
Sadly, we live in a society whose morals, values, and ethics are declining. Will you follow the crowd or will you stand up for what you know is right? This class will help us to understand what ethics/morals are, what they mean to us, and how they apply to sports and to our lives. Recommended for athletes but open to all.

End Times - taught by Dr. Edward C. Beck
This class will discuss the Second Coming of Christ and the events surrounding it. Topics to be discussed will be: Signs of His Coming, the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Millennium and the Last Judgement. Ample time will be given for questions. Bring your Bibles.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Class Descriptions will be Posted Soon.